SSAANZ is a veteran's organization set up to bring veterans and their families together into New Zealand's outdoors to enable fitness, learning, comradeship and support and the many other benefits that our world class outdoors encourages. We organise and subsidise outdoor activities up and down the country every month ranging from kayaking, multiday treks, learn to hunt courses, and foraging workshops. The outdoors has been an incredibly powerful tool used by the trustees and founders of the charity to improve and maintain their mental health and overall wellbeing, SSAANZ is simple the vehicle we use to spread that message to the Veterans Community. Serving your country comes at a cost whether you deployed or not and SSAANZ seeks to recognise your service and maintain the special bonds service people have with each other.
If you have never served but wish to show your appreciation to veterans, you can become a supporter and donating a monthly amount. If you have served and are healthy and self-sufficient you can join as a member, our members receive access to our events and can get involved with the charity by getting their own activities organised. Thirdly if you are any one you know is a veteran, meaning any person who has served regardless of deployment history, is suffering from any issue whether it be mental health, financial or trouble adjusting to life outside the Armed Forces then we provide cost free spaces on every event we organise. This is called the Rest, Stand, Clear Program. Please be aware RSC funding is available to any veteran who would find comfort and benefit on one of our events.'